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 Trains From Station - AMRITSAR JN (ASR) to SADULPUR JN (SDLP) Know about Availability Notations

Sorry, No matching trains found from AMRITSAR JN (ASR) to SADULPUR JN (SDLP).
Optionally you may also Plan your Travel from AMRITSAR JN to SADULPUR JN via these Transit Stations
S.NoOption for Transit(Via) StationCombinationsDistance   S.NoOption for Transit(Via) StationCombinationsDistance
1ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: LUDHIANA JN ]38 x 2 Trains415 Kms   6ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: SANGRUR ]3 x 1 Trains416 Kms
2ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: JALANDHAR CANT ]13 x 1 Trains415 Kms   7ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: MALERKOTLA ]3 x 1 Trains416 Kms
3ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: HISAR ]4 x 17 Trains416 Kms   8ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: AHMADGARH ]1 x 1 Trains416 Kms
4ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: DHURI JN ]4 x 3 Trains416 Kms   9ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: SIRSA ]2 x 2 Trains512 Kms
5ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: JAKHAL JN ]3 x 2 Trains416 Kms   10ASR >> SDLP [ VIA: RAJPURA JN ]14 x 1 Trains518 Kms
>> List of all Transit (via) Stations for Journey From AMRITSAR JN to SADULPUR JN
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You have multiple reason to Book IRCTC Train Tickets with Tripozo

IRCTC Authorised Partner
Smart Suggestion
We automatically suggest you alternate train in case of non-availability of confirmed seats.
Confirmation Probability
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Train Punctuality Report
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IRCTC Train Ticket Booking FAQs

Q) Why should I book train tickets with Tripozo?
A) Tripozo provides train alternates and IRCTC ticket confirmation prediction to assist you to get confirm IRCTC tickets online. In addition, information like Live Train Status, Historical Running Status of train, Confirmation Probability for waitlist PNR & more. Tripozo (formerly is your one stop solution for everything related to Indian Railways Information and train bookings.
Q) How many people can I book in a single train ticket booking?
A) You are allowed to book upto 6 passengers on a single train ticket booking. For tatkal train ticket booking, the maximum number is 4 persons per booking. Two children below 5 years are allowed per booking, but not ticketed.
Q) What are the meaning of RAC, GNWL, PQWL, RLWL and TQWL in Railway Reservation?
A) There are multiple waitlist status for IRCTC train ticket booking, refer detailed explanation to know more about waitlist and abbrevations used in IRCTC ticket booking.
Q) For how many days in advance can you book train tickets?
A) Advance Reservation Period (abbrevated as ARP) for booking train tickets is 120 days (excluding the date of journey).
Q) What documents are required while booking IRCTC train tickets online?
A) Indian passengers are not required any ID details while booking. However, passengers of other countries are required to input their Passport number while booking IRCTC train tickets online. During the journey, all passengers must carry at least one valid ID, like, Aadhar card, driving license, pan card, voter id card, etc.
Q) Can I travel without printout and show train ticket on mobile?
A) Yes, An M-ticket will be sent post booking, which helps you save paper without having to take printouts. Upon checking you can show M-Tickets.
Q) Will I get a refund on cancellation?
A) Tripozo provides INSTANT REFUND on IRCTC tickets cancellations. Refund amount shall be automatically credited to the user’s account used at the time of booking. Visit Refund Rules for more details about cancellation charges and refund rules.
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