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Tripozo's Seat Predictor not only gives you confirmation chances of your ticket but it also shows you most relevant historical PNR. We use deep machine learning algorithms to predict confirmation chances of your ticket as well as seat availability based on past trends. Our Seat predictor uses so many parameters such as initial and current waiting count, weekdays, days to journey, festival season, etc. to give you most accurate seat prediction. Based on our tests, it has accuracy of more than 90% and is increasing day by day.

Below are some notations we use to show seat prediction in mouse-over bubble and PNR Status
Has excellent confirmation chances of more than 80%.
Has good confirmation chances of more than 70%.
__% Chance
Has average confirmation chances of __%.
__% Chance
Has below average confirmation chances of __%.
Has poor confirmation chances of less than 30%.
Can't Say
Not enough data to predict confirmation chances.
NOTE: RAC is considered as Confirm while prediction.

Below are some notations we use to show seat prediction while checking Availability
WL 10 Current W/L of 10 and excellent confirmation chances of more than 80%.
WL 14 Current W/L of 14 and good confirmation chances of more than 70%.
WL 21 Current W/L of 21 and average or minor confirmation chances between 70% to 30%.
WL 32 Current W/L of 32 and excellent confirmation chances of less than 30%.
WL 22 or WL 22 Current W/L of 22 and we don't have enough data to predict confirmation chances.
RAC 25 or RAC 25 Seats Available in Reservation Against Cancellation sequence are 25.
AVL 40 or AVL 40 Currently Available Seats are 40.
N/A or N/A Seats Not Available due to train cancelled/departed, booking over, etc.

W/L or Seat Prediction is based on historical data and has accuracy of more than 90%.
      While booking tickets, BOOK SEATS ON YOUR OWN RISK.
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